HomeProject Case300kg/Hr Medical Blister Package Aluminum Plastics Recycling Machine Egypt

300kg/Hr Medical Blister Package Aluminum Plastics Recycling Machine Egypt

Medical blister package aluminum plastics recycling machine is used to recycle and reuse the aluminum plastics package into pure aluminum and plastics PVC and PVDC.

The aluminum powder can be used into making briquette as additives or it can be melt into Aluminum ingot for commercial usage. Plastics can be recycled to make plastics products.

Our Egypt client compare and check different machine supplier, after long time research, he finally chose our technology for his business. Our engineer team design machine with advance cooling system to help him to easily running machine in Egypt.

And before he confirm order, we offer free-cost trial running test for him and we also also send aluminum and plastics sample to international testing organization for analyze components and purity. The testing report proves our machine will offer at least 99.8% purity in plastics.

Place of use: Egypt

Equipment: aluminum plastics recycling machine, electrostatic separator

Raw materials: medical blister package aluminum plastics composite scraps

Capacity: 300kg/h


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